Emission structure of the 12CO molecule is more complex. None of the 12CO lines is a simple Gaussian, and a broader emission is visible in the wings on both sides. Moreover, line profiles vary considerably in shape at different points of the ASO1 map. Fig. 4 shows two spectra observed in the Southern and Northern parts. The deviation of the profiles can be quantified by looking at the value of J Tdv on the blue - and red sides of the lines (where the "blue" and "red" are relative to the central velocity of -51,5 km/s). The observed deviations may be due to superposition of separate velocity components. We can recognize four velocity ranges on the profiles where the valuej Tdv varies around the whole ASO1 object. Fig. 5 shows maps of the 12CO molecule radiation in different velocity ranges. We try to identify different velocity components of the molecular emission as those associated with outflows. The bipolar outflows can be seen at the velocity — position plot (Fig. 6) for 12CO and 13CO along the outflow axis with the center at RA(1950) = 00h42m05s, Dec. (1950) = 55°3l'00" (see the vertical section in Fig. 1).We can separate two bipolar outflows originating from the common point that is coincident with the peak of the integrated emission in the line of 13CO.
вторник, 26 января 2010 г.
Перевод Рус-Анг Астрономия
понедельник, 25 января 2010 г.
Технический перевод
Rubber-care product “WellAuto”
Product purpose
Pressure packed rubber-care product “WellAuto” restores initial look of the auto tire walls, extends the useful life of rubber and refreshes the color. This product is ideal for face bars, external rubber and plastic body conditioning. It provides UV protection.
Application method
Make sure that the tire wall is clean and dry. Shake the balloon. Spray uniform layer of the product on the surface from the distance of 20-25cm. Let it dry. To improve the result, repeat the whole procedure. Avoid contact with brake pads and blocks. Before driving perform a control braking. Avoid contact with paint-and-lacquer coating.
Precaution measures
Balloon is under pressure. Protect from direct sunlight and heating over 40 0С. Do not use near naked flames and incandescent material! Do not smoke while spraying. Do not disjoint! Not for children! Avoid eye contact. Empty balloon is utilized as a sanitary waste. Extremely Flammable!
store at -10 - +40 0С.
Aliphatic Hydrocarbons, Polymethylsiloxane, Propane, Butane, Iso-butane, Benzophenone-3.
Net weight
Nominal volume
500- cm3/ml
Перевод. Проект по прокладке трубопровода Анг-Рус
Долгосрочность понимается как минимальный срок в 15 лет - в зависимости от того, на каком основании Акционеры готовы санкционировать проект (ОРИ).
Бронирование емкости. Это должна быть максимальная емкость, требуемая Транспортной фирмой в течение определенного периода (ежегодно). Неочищенная нефть, поставляемая сверх указанного максимума, облагается дополнительным тарифом, что должно стимулировать следование требованиям емкости.
Перевозка-оплата. Ключевой принцип, обеспечивающий доход Акционерам. Транспортная фирма должна осуществить перевозку либо оплатить минимальный заказ.
Перевод. Контрольный очиститель. Инструкция по эксплуатации. Рус-Анг
Regulation of deawner time
Deawning time is set with the potentiometer (pos. 17) on the front plate. Deawner time for winter barley up to 30 seconds, summer barley normally 15 seconds. Wheat 15 seconds but if with chaff up to 30 seconds. Oat and rye do not normally need to be de-awned.
Peas, Beans, Sunflower and rape needs no deawning. Maize 15 seconds, but only if plant parts in the sample.
Regulation of outlet time from deawner
It is important that the outlet handle (pos. 4) is set so that the min. time for grain to pass from deawner on to the sieves is 18 - 20 seconds. See about setting page 5. When using the extension hopper the outlet handle can regulate the deawner time
Deawner pins
For barley and other grains use 33 mm pins, for maize beans etc. use 28-mm pins. (Option)
Rubber balls
The grading sieve (third sieve) is kept clean by rubber balls. The rubber balls are placed in three separate sections; there are 10 in each section.
MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLE SHOOTING Note that no parts should be greased!
If the deawner bottom does not open when activated, press with your right hand thumb on the release bolt (pos. 3) and then activate the magnet by pushing contact (pos. 1) to pos. man, then remove your thumb and the bottom opens.
If the magnet does not pull, open the bottom gate by pressing up under the lock above the release bolt (pos. 3).
If the magnet does not work, call your electrician. A blown fuse, the contact or a broken wire probably causes the problem. The fuses are in the electrical box under the bottom screens. In case the magnet has been unscrewed, it must be adjusted so that it just releases the bolt.
Техническая спецификация для системы конденсатоочистки Анг-Рус
Перевод Инструкции для подрядчиков Анг-Рус
В запросах, поданных совместными предприятиями, консорциумами, ассоциациями или товариществами, должен быть указан один представитель стороны, участвующей в торгах. Запросы должны быть подписаны должным образом уполномоченным представителем стороны, участвующей в конкурсе и свидетельство правомочия сигнатария, с подписями и списком полных имен и адресов всех представителей стороны, участвующей в конкурсе, должно быть приложено к письму-запросу Подрядчика.
Технический перевод
The check valve locking device should be closed and locked at initial position. The locking device is closed for crew cockpit conditioning lines deactivation on surface processing of special equipment having the surface conditioner connected.
The check valve with locking device is set on the back wall of frame №14 in cargo cabin.
The crew cockpit conditioning line from the surface conditioner after check valve with lock has socket checked valve welded though which the air from cabin comes inside ACS in case of both ACS subsystems refusal during flight, which excludes the formation of air pressure drop between internal pipelines and cockpit cavities, and consequently, the pipelines bearing.
Технический перевод
When ASU is activated and servo unit of the autopilot is off, control wheel deflection is transferred to the ASU. ASU output element activates control linkage of aileron servo tabs and deflects ailerons.
At activation of bank channel roll damper ASU deflects ailerons with the help of control linkage. This aileron deflection is not transferred to the control wheels. To relieve pressure, created by the LU at operating ASU, trimming actuator electromechanisms (МТЭ) are used.
At the activation of autopilot bank channel roll damper switches off automatically, aircraft is regulated by autopilot servomotor, which actuates servoailerons using ASU. At the switching off of the autopilot bank channel roll damper switches on automatically.
Перевод для англоязычной версии журнала "Пивное дело"
The major part of the market players expect the beer market to decrease by 5% in volume by the end of the year 2009. Notwithstanding a serious decline at the beginning of the year such «optimistic prognosis could result from low production base of the market in 2008, as well as from rather hot weather in the second half of 2009, which has so far promoted beer sales. Thus the market volume by value can increase by nearly 10% and reach the total of 500,000 mln ruble.
In spite of the sales drop by volume, Russian consumers are willing to try new beer tastes. Natalya Alexandrovskaya, leading expert of company «Nielsen Rossia» remarks that over the period from January to May 2009, the beer market has been experiencing a growth only in two segments — dark and flavored beer:
«The dark beer share has gone up to 0.7% by volume. The flavored beer share over the same period has increased from 1.9% to 2.2% in volume. Lager still accounts for the major market share although by April, its position has suffered by 0.4 p.p. Meanwhile, accounting seasonality of beer sales and comparing January-April 2009 to the same period of the previous year, the lager fall is 1 p.p on the average. A relative success and positive dynamics of dark and flavored beer can be explained by active launching in these segments. The best results here were shown by new products of the largest market players, such as «Baltika», SABMiller and Efes».
Перевод для англоязычной версии журнала "Пивное дело"
As for InBev company we should note that their mass brand «Rogan» has increased its retail price. In spring 2008 on the average in Ukraine the prices for two economy brands were almost the same. But at the beginning of summer the retail price for beer «Yantar» rose sharply— it became … brand among the national ones in the segment. Price growth of «Yantar was followed by the promotion emphasizing «vacation» and «relaxed» brand image. But due to the crisis the price positioning of the two brands has changed. «Yantar» price has stopped growing and become … national economy brands (as well as …). At the same time «Rogan» price has been growing at exceeding rates and this brand has become … Prior to that the main advertisement object was a beer mug with «simply qualitative beer», but now the commercial features young people who can do anything for «Rogan».
Two inexpensive SABMiller brands «Sarmat» and «Dnipro» have been steadily decreasing their market share. Judging by the distinctly negative dynamics of «Dnipro» which is one of the cheapest at the Ukrainian market, …
However, by the season, the market share of «Sarmat» has … At that time, SABMiller has carried out rebranding of «Sarmat». Its price is still within the limits of economy segment, but the image has become more premium and is now targeted at freedom lovers. The new positioning is emphasized by the label (an eagle against the background of white sun) and the corresponding commercial.
«Desant», the economy brand by «Obolon» company, in the crisis period, lost a part of its market share which has stabilized afterwards. However «Obolon» positions in this segment are expected to improve. Early in March a democratic brand «Ziebert» was introduced, and the company announced their plans to win 1 % of the market thanks to this brand. Communication and promotion of the brand are based on the conception «German quality — Ukrainian price».
Перевод для англоязычной версии журнала "Пивное дело"
Since the beginning of 2008 the brewing industry has been exhibiting a fluctuating growth dynamics though in other countries of Eastern Europe beer production was still growing slowly. The protracted production setback and transition from beer market stagnation to recession were caused by government regulation, economy crisis and poor weather.
The crisis shift of the trade balance
Market segmentation
The leaders’ positions
The first precondition of the stagnation was the new law i. e. the necessity to license beer trade starting from autumn 2007, which led to reduction of outlets dealing with brewers’ production. Qualitative and quantitative indicators of distribution went down sharply. Breweries started experiencing difficulties with shipments. In particular, according to the official statistics, by the beginning of 2007, the stock of finished products at storehouses of breweries amounted to …mln. dal and by January 2008‑to …mln. dal.
The negative results of government regulations were then coupled with the economy factor. The republic of Kazakhstan was obviously the first among other large CIS countries to experience economy crisis. Inflation growth against the background of production cutbacks led to purchasing power fall. The growth rates of money income of the population were slowing down since the end of 2007 and a considerable fall was registered in October 2008. The negative dynamics resulted both from employed population reduction and the salary level drop.
The decline of population’s well-being caused a reduction of nominal monetary expenses (in the fourth quarter of 2008‑by 10 %, over the year — by 2,9 %). The expense share for foodstuffs grew but in the first place their prices went up very quickly since the year beginning, having slowed down only by July. In the second place the consumption structure deteriorated — people started buying more bread, butter and fat, but the expenses on meat, vegetables and fruit and other not the first necessity products (including beer) have decreased
According to analysts’ estimations in 2009 the retail commodity turnover has gone down by several per cent. Moreover the most optimistic prognosis is another …% beer market decline, whereas the pessimistic one predicts a decline by more than …%.
At the beginning of the current year the beer sales were influenced not only by the crisis but other factors as well. As a result of tenge devaluation the … companies … considerably raised their sale prices for beer in the … quarter. It is obvious that this growth was caused not by market premialization. The … producers, including … practically did not raise their prices since last autumn. In the … quarter, the average sale prices for beer produced by … went substantially down. It could be connected with redistribution of sales by … — sale reduction of … local beer and growth of … segment.
The third reason mentioned by beverage producers is weather conditions — unusual winter and cold spring. Though the season typically starts in …, this year … days in … were rainy. … was also cold and glum which affected sales figures.
Перевод для англоязычной версии журнала "Пивное дело"
We should also note the growth of the Byelorussian beer export, which has begun influencing the dynamics of the national output to some extent. While at the first part of 2008 1.7% of produced beer were sent abroad, this year the export amounted to 5.1% of the overall production volume.
Taking into account that in 2008, the market share in monetary terms under our estimation amounted to …% to … bln of Byelorussian roubles (Br) or … to $… mln. Over the first half of 2009 against the background of very low physical indicators the market has grown by … to Br … bln. Basing on the official data of the average weighted dollar rate of the NB and RB, the beer market has shrunk by … % to $… mln in foreign currency.